Azadirachta indica A.Juss.

Family Meliaceae
English Name Neem tree
Malayalam Name Ariyaveppu, veppu
Tamil Name Acutakimaram, akaluti
Kannada Name Bevinamara, kahibevu
Telugu Name Nimbamu, taruka
Hindi Name Limbada, neem
Sanskrit Name Arishta, nimbah
Trade Name Neem tree
Part Used All parts of Neem plant
In Wild Yes
Under Cultivation Yes
Temperature 40- 50 degree Celsius
Rainfall 400 - 1200 mm
Farmers NA
Traders NA
Institution NA
Individually NA
State/Region NA
District NA
Nursery Information NA
Yield NA
Economic of cultivation Estimated cost of cultivation is about Rs 20,700 per hectare. Per kg of neem seed costs in the market is about 40-50 rupees/kg.
Quantitative quality standards Foreign matter: not more than 0.3% Ash: not more than 3.0% Acid insoluble ash: not more than 0.25% Ethanol soluble extraction: not less than 4.5% Water soluble extraction: not less than 5.0%
Description NA
Agro technology/Cultivation practices Planting-stock production: Propagules could be raised from seeds and stumps. Seed propagation: Propagation using seeds is the popular method of growing neem trees. Seeds are collected from June to August. Fresh and ripe seeds should be collected from tree above 5 years old. Seeds remain viable for a short period of 2 to 3 weeks only, therefore should be sown immediately. Nursery is raised in beds of 90cm breadth and seeds should be planted 3 cm apart within a row, and depth of 2.5 cm and maintain irrigation. After about 3 months, seedlings are transplanted. The transplanted seedlings can be raised in polythene bags. Vegetative propagation– by stumps. Root and shoot cuttings can be made from 12-13 month old nursery plants. Experiments in Tamilnadu have shown that stumps from 2 year old plants gives higher survival and better height growth than stumps from 1 year old plant. The stumps are prepared with about 2-5 cm shoot and 2-5 cm of root and planted as soon as the rain break. Field planting: In dry localities pits of 45 cm3 and in moist locality pits of 30 cm3 are dug and kept reat planting. Seedling of 6 -12 month old are out planted into the above pits during the rainy se; Pits can be filled with native soil along with 5 kg FYM and 25 to 50 g of DAP at planting for establishment and growth. Manuring/Fertilization: VAM Fertilizer application of 50 g, 20 g of Azhospirillum and Phospobacteria to be applied on regular basis. Irrigation: Neem requires hardly any irrigation. However during the establishment irrigation steps may be required. Pests and disease: Tip borer (Laspeyresia koenigiana), Tea mosquito bug (Heliopeltis antonii) affect seedlings and young plants. Pulvinaris maxima is a scale insect now regarded as key pest & Heliothripshae morrhoidalis a potential pest of neem. Neem seedlings get severely affected by damping off Rhizoctonia leaf web blight, leaf spot & blights induced by Colletotrichum, Alternaria & Pseudocercospora.
Harversting After planting 5th year onwards harvest can be done. To sustain seed viability of home-grown seeds, the pulp of the freshly fallen fruit should be removed from around the seed and the seeds allowed to air-dry in the shade.
Processing NA
References NA