Mucuna pruriens (L.) DC.

Family Leguminosae
English Name Bee kounch
Malayalam Name Naikkuruna, Naikorana
Tamil Name Poonaikkali
Kannada Name Chinakee beeja, Hasaguni
Telugu Name Dolugunda, Doolagonda
Hindi Name Kavach, Kiwach
Sanskrit Name Atmagupta, Kapikachliu
Trade Name Atmagupta, Bee kounch, Nasugunni
Part Used Seeds
In Wild NA
Under Cultivation NA
Temperature NA
Rainfall NA
Farmers NA
Traders NA
Institution NA
Individually NA
State/Region NA
District NA
Nursery Information NA
Yield Seed yield per hectare ranges from 2.5 to 3 tonnes per hectare.
Economic of cultivation Cost of cultivation: ₹ 65,000 per hectare. Market price: Seeds - ₹ 90 per kg (as on June 2019).
Quantitative quality standards Root: 1. Foreign matter : Not more than 1.0 % 2. Ash : Not more than 5.0 % 3. Acid-insoluble ash : Not more than 2.0 % 4. Ethanol-soluble extractives : Not less than 4 % 5. Water-soluble extractive : Not less than 5 %
Description Climbers; branchlets densely clothed with rigid hairs. Leaves 3-foliolate; terminal leaflets ovate-rhomboid or elliptic, the lateral ones broadly ovate, adpressed pubescent; petiole to 10 cm long. Flowers c. 3.5 cm long, in axillary tomentose, pendulous racemes; pedicels 2-4 mm long. Calyx-tube 4-7 mm long, pubescent, 4-lobed. Petals dark purplish. Pods 5-7.5 x 1.2-1.5 cm, linear-oblong, somewhat s-shaped, turgid, densely covered with shining irritant bristly hairs; seeds 4-6, to 8 x 7 mm, ovoid, brown, black or white.
Agro technology/Cultivation practices This highly adaptable crop grows in various climatic conditions and soil types. But sandy loam soil with pH 5.5 – 7.5 is recommended for good growth and yield. Cultivation 1. Planting stock production: Seeds are used as propagating material. One hundred seeds weigh 90-110 g. 2. Field planting: Mucuna is raised by direct sowing of seeds. Field is ploughed well and farmyard manure/compost may be applied during the land preparation. Seeds are sown in June and seeds germinate within 8-10 days. Support is provided using sticks and pandal for spreading of vines. Spacing maintained in the field between plants is 1.0 x 0.6 m. 3. Manuring/Fertilizer: At the time of field preparation, farmyard manure is applied based on plant/soil analysis. 4. Irrigation: Once in two weeks in dry seasons and once in a month during winter season. 5. Pest and diseases: Collar rot during initial stages of growth is controlled using 2 kg Pseudomonas fluorescens mixed farmyard manure is applied to the root region. Hairy caterpillars were found eating leaves during the pre-flowering stage. It can be controlled by spraying neem cake solution at 5 gm/lit
Harversting Plants produce mature pods after 140 days of planting. Pods are harvested when they turn brown in colour and start drying. 2-6 pods per inflorescence and 3-7 seeds per pods are observed, and 25-30 bunches can be harvested from a single plant.
Processing Pods are sun dried for 4-7 days. Seeds are separated from the pods and dried further to maintain moisture content of 7-8%. Dried seeds are stored in gunny bags, protected from atmospheric moisture.
References NA