Tribulus terrestris L.

Family Zygophyllaceae
English Name Puncture vine
Malayalam Name Njerinjil, Mullurinji
Tamil Name Nerinji mull
Kannada Name Govina mullu, Kirineglu mullu
Telugu Name Cinnapalleru
Hindi Name Gokharu
Sanskrit Name Gokshura
Trade Name Gokshru, Puncture vine
Part Used Whole plant
In Wild NA
Under Cultivation NA
Temperature NA
Rainfall NA
Farmers NA
Traders NA
Institution NA
Individually NA
State/Region NA
District NA
Nursery Information NA
Yield Total yield of plant in fresh weight is 2.88 tonnes/ha and dry weight is 0.738 tonnes/ha.
Economic of cultivation 1. Cost of cultivation: ₹ 40,000 per hectare. 2. Market price: Dried fruit -₹120 per kg (as on July 2019).
Quantitative quality standards Root: 1. Foreign matter: Nil 2. Ash: Not more than 10.0 % 3. Acid-insoluble ash: Not more than 1.0 % 4. Ethanol-soluble extractive: Not less than 13.0 % 5. Water-soluble extractive: Not less than 20.0 % Fruit: 1. Foreign matter: Nil 2. Ash: Not more than 10.0 % 3. Acid-insoluble ash: Not more than 1.0 % 4. Ethanol-soluble extractives: Not less than 13.0 % 5. Water-soluble extractive: Not less than 40.0 %
Description Prostrate silky pubescent herbs. Leaves opposite, imparipinnate; leaflets opposite, 4-5 pairs, 1.5 x 0.7 cm, oblong; petiole to 7 mm. Flowers axillary, 1 or 2, golden yellow, 2 cm across; pedicels to 3 cm. Ovary 5-lobed, hairsy. Fruit c. 1 cm across, globose, 5-angled, cocci 5, woody, each with a pair of divaricate spines.
Agro technology/Cultivation practices This plant requires tropical, subtropical or semiarid climate and thrives well in open land with soil ranging from clay- loam to light sandy-loam, under low rainfall. Cultivation 1. Planting stock production: Seeds are collected for propagation during October–November. 2. Field planting: Tribulus is raised through direct sowing of seeds on well-prepared land. Two kg seeds at 90 × 120 cm spacing can be sown in one hectare. Seeds pre-treated with 20ppm Gibberellic Acid for 48 hours before sowing gives better germination. Seeds stratified in moist sand also give better germination. Seeds germinate in about 30 days. When swelling and sprouting is observed, seeds are removed from sand and sown in plug trays. February – March is the best time for sowing the seeds in the field. Initially 1-2 weeding is necessary to make the plant free and also for better growth. 3. Manuring/Fertilizer: At the time of field preparation, required quantity of farmyard manure is applied based on plant/soil analysis and mix well with soil. 4. Irrigation: Irrigation is needed only during long dry periods. 5. Pest and diseases: Usually this plant is free from pest. Occasionally, weevils such as Microlarinus lareynii and M. lypriformis affect the stems and seeds.
Harversting Plants are ready to harvest after 240-250 days of planting, during October seeds will ripe.
Processing Plants are uprooted and washed in water. Harvested material is separated part wise viz, root, stem and leaves. Fruits are air dried and stored in cool airy places.
References NA